This is your one-stop location for product manuals, software downloads and developer tools. An archive section provides information for discontinued products.
Image Gallery is provided to download quality images on current products. The photos are organized by product line. Feel free to browse the selections and view the many images of our products.
You are welcome to download any of them for use in the media, on a web site, or in a promotional brochure.






If you are experiencing any problems with your AOR products, you can send it in for repair.

WARNING: Servicing of "unblocked" versions in the USA

As defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), it is a federal crime to purchase, own and use an "unblocked" radio receiver able to receive frequencies allocated to cellular phones, unless you have an authorization issued by the US government.
For this reason we are unable to accept repairs of unblocked receivers owned by regular private consumers from the USA and Canada. Support can also only be very limited.

Thank you for your understanding.